Welcome to Orchard Kids!

We are glad you are here and invite you to come and enjoy all of our opportunities for children birth through 5th grade and their families. We are excited to partner with parents and grandparents as you raise your children to know, love and serve Jesus. We seek to provide safe and intentional experiences where children will have fun, make friends and grow in faith!




Visiting us for the first time?


Please register your child - click here!


When your family arrives for the 10:30 am worship service, follow the steps up from the parking lot (or up the ramp with your stroller) to the Worship Center and main patio.


Stop at the Welcome Center counter and get a name tag for your child.


After the opening worship songs, announcements and children’s message, children preschool through 5th grade will be dismissed and escorted down the steps to the Children’s Center. Be sure to send your child wearing the name tag.


Children are always welcome to stay with you in the worship service.


Children birth through 3 years may be dropped off to the nursery in the Children’s Center before worship. After the service, please pick up your children in the Children’s Center. You may want to stay in the playground area and let your child play while you get to know other parents, or you may want to take your kids back up to the main patio and enjoy a snack and fellowship!



Our friendly Children's Minsitry Team will help you check your child and answer any questions you may have. We can't wait to meet you!


Throughout our Children’s Center and time together you will likely see and hear the words “Gather, Grow and Go.”


Gather: We believe God intends for us to worship, play, learn, pray and serve in community with one another, so our Orchard Kids ministry team is intentional about providing opportunities to foster friendship among our children and families. We hope your family will get connected and find a home at Orchard to put down roots.


Grow: Whether you are new to Orchard or have been here for years, Orchard Kids wants to see your child grow and thrive. Our lessons help children dig into the Bible, acquaint children with the characters found in scripture and engage children in discussions and experiences which lead to knowing and following Jesus. At Orchard Kids your child will get to practice the spiritual disciplines of worship, Bible study, prayer, fellowship and service to others.


Go: We hope that the lessons learned at Orchard Kids will lead to respond to what they have learned by taking their faith, love and hope home with them, ready to serve and lead and help others.


We are a community that is committed to providing a safe and loving environment that:


  • Plants the seed of faith in Jesus
  • Challenges and grows kid’s faith
  • Let’s kids know that they are a part of the church body and that Orchard Community Church is their church as well
  • Walks alongside parents, giving them the tools they need to be the primary spiritual nurturers in their child’s life
  • Instills the value of going to church weekly
  • Develops relationships between the adult leaders and their peers


Wednesdays 3:00 -4:30 pm

Children preschool through 5th grade are invited to join us Wednesday after school during the school year. Children rotate with their age group through activities like:

  • Science
  • Playground free play
  • Games 
  • Small group time
  • Crafts
  • Bible lesson
  • Service Projects
  • Worship


Throughout the year we include a few special events and performances.

Children's Center


I have kids ages birth - 3 years-old
I have kids in Pre-K - 5th grade
Kids & Communion
Children's Ministry Director